Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas 2007

About Us

The Christmas season was an enjoyable one for the Dale Family residing in Mesa, AZ. We welcomed our 2nd child, Brooklyn Ann Dale, into the world on December 3rd, 2007. It was an amazing experience once again to see a precious infant enter into this world. It was a wonderful gift for Mary, Brayden, & I this Christmas season. This was such a joyous event in our lives especially during this holiday season when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Brayden is now 2 years old. He is such a joy to have in our lives although he does keep us on our toes at all times. He is currently learning how to cohabitate with little Brooklyn. He is growing so much and is having tons of fun in nursery. He loves playing with toys especially anything that has four wheels.

Mary is keeping herself occupied with being a mom. She is always trying to find time to scrapbook the many pictures that are taken of our family and events that occur in our lives. We traveled up to Moab, Utah in June 2007 and made it to Corona, California where we visited the Cook Family (Ryan, Shelley, Caiden, Camden, & Londyn). We try and make it up to Shumway, AZ to visit Mary's residence as a kid. Mary is currently the ward program specialist which she faithfully does week in and week out.

Danny is currently enjoying being a Dad to two kids who he loves dearly. He is currently employed with Gold Canyon where he has been for about the past ten years except for a two year mission to Guatemala. He is the assistant Deacons Quorum advisor which enjoys immensely. He loves being at home with his wife and kids.

It is the close of another year and will be the beginning of a new year 2008. The world is filled with so much uncertainty, but the gospel of Jesus Christ is the anchor in our lives. Merry Christmas (a few days late) and a Happy New Year 2008.

1 comment:

The Cook Fam said...

I'm glad that you guys have got the blog! Keep putting more pictures on. (Like I'm one to talk.) Ryan was making videos to put on the blog but apparently the program won't work with the blog. Hopefully we'll have something up soon. Brooklyn looks great!